Weekend Ramblings
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Swedish Apple Pie
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Give Thanks.
It is hard to pinpoint exactly what I am thankful for. I mean of course I am thankful for SO much. And that’s what makes nailing it down so, well, hard. I’m thankful I have a roof over my head and food in my belly. I am thankful that as the temperatures drop there is heat to keep me warm because sadly millions of people around the world don’t have those simple luxuries which makes me that much more thankful. But this year I’m talking about the more meaningful things. The things you really have to dig down deep for. You know those things that really hit home like…
I am thankful to have God in my life. I am thankful for His mercy and His grace. It is because of those facts that I am saved. God has the power and He has, on multiple occasions, in this past year taught me many different facts of life. Through the death of my father He has taught me about life. And if it weren’t for Him I wouldn’t have life. He forgives me when I don’t feel like I can forgive myself. It never fails to amaze me. He gives me strength when I am down. It is because of him that I know someday I will see all of those I have lost in this life. For that I am thankful. I am thankful to know God and humbled to be touched by His overflowing grace and mercy.
I am thankful for life. I can’t imagine what some families are dealing with this holiday season. The utter loss that families are dealing with is incomprehensible for me… such as the families of the victims’ of the Fort Hood massacre, the family of the 16-year-old boy who collapsed and later died just a town away from ours and all the families of the servicemen who have given the ultimate sacrifice defending our freedom. I have suffered my own losses which has made me that much more thankful and considerate of life. I am, literally, thankful I am able to be thankful this holiday season.
Cheesy isn’t it? I am thankful for love. But no, seriously, it is so much more than that. The amount of love I have been shown throughout my life blows me away. It completely boggles my mind. Imagine a world without love…dark, dreary and ugly. And that is why I am thankful for love. Imagine those who can’t love or have never been shown love. I truly feel for those people, I wish I could show them love. Really, I do. It opens my eyes and makes me thankful for Gods love, my Mom’s love, my Dad’s love, the love my best friends show me and the countless other people who show or have shown me love. That is the love that has carried me through when the going gets tough. And to those who love me I am forever thankful for you.
So this season I challenge you to give thanks with a grateful heart. No matter what you are doing today, or any day for that matter, look around you, dig deep, and determine what you are truly thankful for. And if nothing more take one breath and be thankful for your life.