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Swedish Apple Pie

Thursday, November 26, 2009

One word for the above picture.


As may or may not know I worked for about 4 years at an after-school program at a local elementary school. Each year we would host a "Thanksgiving Feast." Year after year a sweet mother of one of our after-schoolers would bring in this AMAZING Swedish Apple Pie. After begging for the recipe she finally gave in and gave it to each and every staff member.

I won't lie, it makes me wish I was Swedish. The crust forms an almost sugar cookie topping that is to die for! And its SIMPLE! I'm talking, super simple! As with any apple pie, the hardest part is peeling and slicing the apples. But no worries, it won't disappoint.

And so that you can make all your family wish they were Swedish...

Swedish Apple Pie:

4 or 5 large apples (I used Cortlands); peeled, cored & sliced thin
3/4 cup of melted butter (1.5 sticks)
2 T water
1 C flour
1 C sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 C walnuts (if desired)
1 T cinnamon
1 T sugar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl mix together the 1 T sugar and the 1 T cinnamon with the sliced apples. Pour apples into a pie plate. In another bowl mix the remaining ingredients and spread over the apples. Bake for 45-60 minutes, until golden brown.


Oh and...Happy Turkey Day All!

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