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Blizzard of '09!

Monday, December 28, 2009
Remember here where I posted about all the snow we were supposed to get?!

well you tell me...

do you think we got what they predicted?!

Yup. plus some. For the first time in my memory the forecasters actually predicted less then what fell. We awoke to about 20+ inches of snow! And yes, even on the shoreline where I reside. It was sah-weet! The pictures above were actually taken a full 24 hours after the storm hit. It took that long for my friend J to get over with his snow-blower because his plow broke. He and my brother spent quite a bit of time snow-blowing us out. Of course they weren't annoyed by M and I standing on the porch snapping pictures ;) Nah...not while they were freezing their butts off! Not us!

It was fun. We baked. We watched movies. We ate. We really enjoyed being snowed in during the Blizzard of '09.

And for the record it really was considered a blizzard!

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