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Good Excuses.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I know this weekend recap is late.

but, I promise, I have a good excuse...

I took my final on Monday, in the most challenging class I have ever taken on, and I got an 86 and a 87 for my final grade! Whoo hoo!

I can officially say I am done with my first semester of nursing school...do you know how good that feels?!  1/4 of the way there to getting my RN!

Sorry, just had to gloat a bit :)

This weekend, surprisingly, I didn't study all that much. Saturday I worked, relaxed and hung out with M&J and R. We had a great time and watched the movie "Four Christmases"--such a good movie! Then Sunday, after church (in which there was a fantastic Homily I will post about soon. Promise!) I did devote the rest of my day to studying.  Then Sunday night instead of last minute cramming I watched Julie & Julia-- another awesome movie!

It all added up to a high final score and a B+ in the class!

I am both excited to be done but also slightly bored. What do I do with my life? Sure, we have 15+ chapters to (pre) read in our Maternity & Pediatric text and lots of pediatric and piggyback drug problems to practice for our med. math test but who wants to do those?!

I'm not going to worry about that stuff until I get back from GA (Jan 11th) that will give me 10 good days to prep for next semester. For now I am going to enjoy the holidays, spend time with my family and soak up the free time!

Oh ya...and probably blog a lot more! :)

Until then...enjoy your week!

xo J.

1 comments to Good Excuses.:

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of you Jamie!! You did a great job with your first semester. Enjoy your time off~ I love you more than you can imagine.
Love, Mom